
While poverty is generally considered at the household level, individuals can also be classified as being “in-poverty” or “not in poverty.” Individuals who live in family households are assigned the poverty status of that household, regardless of their income. Individuals who live in non-family households are classified based on poverty thresholds at time of data collection. 

Variable Details

PovWhile poverty is generally considered at the household level, individuals can also be classified as being “in-poverty” or “not in poverty.” Individuals who live in family households are assigned the poverty status of that household, regardless of their income. Individuals who live in non-family households are classified based on poverty thresholds at time of data collection.PovPip
PovPovertyIndividual income falls under the poverty threshold or individual’s household income falls under the poverty threshold.if PovPip < 100
PovNonPovNeither the individual’s income nor the family-household income is below the poverty threshold.if PovPip >= 100