The Census Project


Rongjun Sun, Cleveland State University

Learning Goals


After using this module, students will gain skills in:

  • Using software to access and analyze census data
  • Identifying independent and dependent variables
  • Employing control variables
  • Forming testable hypotheses using quantitative data
  • Quantitative writing
  • Learning how to construct, read, and interpret bivariate tables displaying frequencies and percentages


  • Use the elaboration model to analyze the census data from the SSDAN website.
Context for Use

This exercise for a Social Demography class utilizes DataCounts! census data to analyze a problem of interest.

Description and Teaching Materials

Please see File Attachment(s).

In the first part of this exercise, students will use the elaboration model to analyze the census data from the SSDAN website. To carry out this study, whey will follow the basic procedures in social research and apply the concepts and techniques that have been discussed in class.

Teaching Notes and Tips

This activity uses the customized census datasets provided by SSDAN and guides students through data manipulation using WebCHIP software found at DataCounts!. To open WebCHIP with the dataset for the activity, please see instructions and links in the exercise documents under teaching materials. For more information on how to use WebCHIP, see the How To section on DataCounts!

References and Resources
File Attachment(s)