Investigating Exploring Race and Ethnicity Using Census 2000 Data


Kathy Rowell, Sinclair Community College

Learning Goals


After the completion of this module, the learner should be able to:
Demonstrate the ability to state a hypothesis.
Interpret a dissimilarity index
Examine and use web resources to explore possible policy implications of data findings in this module.


Define all key concepts
Interpret data presented in both table and graphic form
Demonstrate an effective use of the sociological imagination

Context for Use

Students in this sociology class will explore concepts of multiracial populations and levels of segregation in this exercise.

Using data from CensusScope and the Population Reference Bureau students will explore trends in segregation and hyper-segegation. They will investigate the multiracial census category and the distribution of multiracial individuals across the nation.

Teaching Notes and Tips

This activity uses the charts, rankings and maps on CensusScope is an easy-to-use tool to investigate U.S. trends using census data. In a homework assignment, students will compare their findings on CensusScope to maps at the Population Reference Bureau.