How Good Was Your School District?


Suzanne R. Goodney-Lea, University of Michigan-Flint

Learning Goals

Using software to access and analyze census data
Identifying independent and dependent variables
Forming testable hypotheses using quantitative data
Quantitative writing
Using real world data to enhance and support key course concepts
Use different data to assess and compare school districts at the local, state and national level

Context for Use

This activity is used in a Research Methods class for undergraduate students. This activity uses data to evaluate and compare school district performance.

Students will empirically examine the issues underlying school performance using data that captures some of their own experiences.

Teaching Notes and Tips

This project is designed for students in Michigan, but it can be adapted for students in any location. I use this in my reasearch methods class, and students really enjoy the assignment because it allows them to empirically examine the issues underlying school performance using data that captures some of their own experiences.

References and Resources