Differences in Social Class Status and Poverty Levels among Older Adults in the United States Updated


Patricia P. Lynott, Ithaca College

Learning Goals

Skill- After using this module, students will gain skills in:

Develop an understanding of WebCHIP procedures for examining frequencies and cross-tabulations.

Investigate and be able to describe verbally and in writing the relationship between two variables.

Suggest explanations for your findings.

Substance- Examine differences in social class status and poverty levels in the U.S. older population using the 2000 census.

Examine social class status and poverty levels by gender, race/ethnicity, and age group among the U.S. older people.

Context for Use

This exercise was developed for use in an upper-level sociology course that could also be used in a gerontology course. The exercise was presented as a way for students to examine poverty trends among different demographic groups.

For this assignment, we will explore differences by gender, race/ethnicity, and age group in social class status and poverty rates among the older population (age 65 or older). This module provides a basic introduction to the use of WebCHIP software to conduct simple data analysis using the U.S. 2000 Census.For this assignment, we will explore differences by gender, race/ethnicity, and age group in social class status and poverty rates among the older population (age 65 or older). This module provides a basic introduction to the use of WebCHIP software to conduct simple data analysis using the U.S. 2000 Census.

Teaching Notes and Tips

This activity uses a customized data set made from the 2000 Census and guides students through data manipulation using WebCHIP software found at DataCounts!. To open WebCHIP with the dataset for the activity, please see instructions and links in the exercise documents under teaching materials. For more information on how to use WebCHIP, see the How To section on DataCounts!

References and Resources