This month we are highlighting the learning module, Aging and Society (200-level) SSDAN Quantitative Data Module by Marley Olson, PhD
Walla Walla Community College.
In this learning module, students engage with original data sets through SSDAN related to aging and the life course. This module includes a lecture and lab session where foundational concepts like percents, rates, and raw counts are introduced, as well as the skills to properly read univariate and bivariate tables with opportunities to see examples and practice independently. Student learning is assessed through a two- to three-page report that effectively communicates their results and the implications of such to a lay audience.
Author(s) – Marley Olson, PhD
Walla Walla Community College
Learning Goals
Make effective evidence-based arguments based on quantitative data and communicate relevant implications.
Develop increased confidence in understanding, evaluating, and doing social science research.
Cultivate self-efficacy strategies to sustain one’s intrinsic motivation for learning by developing a tolerance for and resiliency from learning challenges.
Context for Use
This module was developed for Aging & Society, a 200-level sociology course offered at an open admissions institution. It is also a required course for students in the Human and Social Services pathway.
Description and Teaching Materials
In this learning module, students engage with original data sets through SSDAN related to aging and the life course. This module includes a lecture and lab session where foundational concepts like percents, rates, and raw counts are introduced, as well as the skills to properly read univariate and bivariate tables with opportunities to see examples and practice independently. Student learning is assessed through a two- to three-page report that effectively communicates their results and the implications of such to a lay audience.
Access all modules here