External Resources

Below are additional websites with applicable resources having to do with the ACS and Census quantitative data. These links will be helpful whether you are a beginning or have been working in the field for many years.

American Community Survey Users Group – A guide for using and understanding the American Community Survey. The website includes the historical beginnings of the ACS, ACS topics and data products, and where to find more in-depth information.

American Community Survey Overview – A comprehensive 1 hour video guide to the American Community Survey’s questions, data access, analysis, and statistics. ACS is broken down into 4 video modules and are helpful for both beginnings and advanced users.

Brookings Census 2020 – Brookings analysis of the 2020 Census.. The 2020 census provides a once-in-a-decade picture of the U.S. population, which is used to address a variety of social, political, and public policy issues.

Rock the Vote – Map of the United States showing different demographic concentrations in major cities.

Social Explorer – A huge collection of easy to access demographic information about the United States and the world. Explore the thousands of interactive data maps going back to 1790.

US Census Bureau, American Community Survey Home Page – The general homepage on the Census.gov website for the ACS. The website gives a general overview of the ACS as well as data release information on each year.

US Census Bureau, American Community Survey/Guidance for Data Users – Provides information on different resources around ACS data including data products, tools, and handbooks on data user groups.

US Census Bureau, American Community Survey/Overview Webinar – Link to a webinar and webinar materials that provide an overview of the ACS, its data, available resources, and data products available through the Census Bureau.

US Census Bureau, Census Academy: Your Learning Hub for Data Skills – Census Bureau’s how to guide for all things Census and ACS. This page holds a collection of How-to videos on everything from how to access specific data to tutorials on how to create visualizations. This includes a series of in-depth courses, webinars, and tutorials.

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