External Resources

Below are additional websites with applicable resources having to do with the ACS and Census quantitative data. These links will be helpful whether you are a beginning or have been working in the field for many years.

American Community Survey Users Group – A guide for using and understanding the American Community Survey. The website includes the historical beginnings of the ACS, ACS topics and data products, and where to find more in-depth information.

Brookings Census 2020 – Brookings analysis of the 2020 Census.. The 2020 census provides a once-in-a-decade picture of the U.S. population, which is used to address a variety of social, political, and public policy issues.

US Census Bureau, American Community Survey Home Page – The general homepage on the Census.gov website for the ACS. The website gives a general overview of the ACS as well as data release information on each year.

US Census Bureau, American Community Survey/Guidance for Data Users – Provides information on different resources around ACS data including data products, tools, and handbooks on data user groups.

US Census Bureau, American Community Survey/Overview Webinar – Link to a webinar and webinar materials that provide an overview of the ACS, its data, available resources, and data products available through the Census Bureau.

US Census Bureau, Census Academy: Your Learning Hub for Data Skills – Census Bureau’s how to guide for all things Census and ACS. This page holds a collection of How-to videos on everything from how to access specific data to tutorials on how to create visualizations. This includes a series of in-depth courses, webinars, and tutorials.

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